Opening Update

I want to thank all my clients for contacting me about appointments. I've decided to wait till the end of May and see how things are at that point. Social distancing isn't something I can do safely when tweezing brows and waxing 10-15 clients a day in a small room. It's too risky especially if someone is Asymptomatic.

The first few months back will be a bit different at my studio, I unfortunately won't allow children to come during your appointments. I understand this is hard for some clients but I'm just trying to keep myself and everyone else healthy. After speaking with other business owners who do the same work as me, I've decided masks will be required for every client who enters my studio. I cannot do threading for the first few months back until it is safe for me to do so. I also cannot do lip or chin waxing at all since masks will be covering that area.

This will not last forever so please be patient. My health, my family's health and your health is my number one priority right now. Thank you to everyone who has reached out. I appreciate you all SO much.